Fundraiser Art

Laurie Miller Modern Art Resume Rain Paintings - Interiors Pen & Ink Drawings Expressionism 13th Series - Rain Paintings 12th Series - Rain Paintings 11th Series Rain Paintings 10th Series Rain Paintings 9th Series Rain Paintings 8th Series - Rain Paintings 7th Series - Rain Paintings 6th Series - Rain Paintings 5th Series - Rain Paintings 4th Series Rain Paintings 3rd Series-Rain Paintings 2nd Series- Rain Paintings 1st Series-Rain Paintings Feather Series Abstract Expressionism Expressionism Surrealism & Expressionism Rain Barrel Painting

Art Created for Fundraiser

Art created for my Fundraiser - Quick Draws (where you pick 3 things you like - colors, hobbies, etc.),

Miniature Paintings (4 things you like) 

Small Paintings (5 things you like), etc.

Small Painting - $150.00 Level- 1. Sexy Clothes 2. Night clubs/Dancing 3.Blues 4.Yellows 5. Orange & Reds

Miniature Painting - $50.00 Level - 1. Purple 2. Paris 3.Piano 4. The Moon

Quick Draw - $20.00 Level - 1. Fretless Bass 2. Son adopted from Ukraine 3. Inventor

Quick Draw - $20.00 Level - 1. Beach blues 2. Walking on the beach 3. Spending time with people I love

Quick Draw - $20.00 Level - 1. Orange 2. Social Networking 3. The river